Interregional Culture-led Regeneration
ICR (Interregional Culture-led Regeneration) specifically addresses the Strategic challenge No 3: (Reinforcing social cohesion and cultural identity). ICR therefore aims to stimulate the growth of the creative and cultural industries in the South and East England Coastal region and Par-de-Calais, Normandy and Brittany region.
In doing so ICR focuses on
- supporting creative practitioners (creative art students, freelance artists, creative professionals from the partner region and adjacent areas) to develop the quality of their practice and their professional development.
- nurturing the creative network of creative animators and intermediaries that engage with creative practice with the arts school and its students at the centre.
- creating a rich cross-border creative ecology of these stakeholders through its range of collaborative actions.
Out of this ecology and by ensuring that each action has social and community aspect to it, ICR seeks to stimulate cultural and economic growth, enhanced collaboration and cohesion in the cross border region. In doing so it will employ innovative models of creative knowledge exchange, cultural development and interventions as well as broad audience and socially focused audience engagement. These will reconcile and refresh activity concentrated in cultural urban centres with the skills, knowledge and creative talent that can be applied in the wider coastal communities and its hinterland. The partners will use their combined expertise and experience in the development cultural content and its civic application to revitalise the urban and rural areas in the French-English border regions stimulating the rest of the economies and wider communities.
The partnership is a unique combination of stakeholders, each believing in, serving and enhancing the value of the arts, its innovation potential and its impact on local communities and economies. The partnership is made up of six art schools (three in France and three in England across eleven campuses) with a history of serving the arts, the communities and industry for at least 200 years, educating around 14,000 students combined and networked across the world. The respective arts schools will serve as hubs for creative excellence, flanked by community based arts organisations that serve as unique units for innovation, as cultural animators between creative practice and communities. In addition there is the support of the public authorities and public organizations acting as intermediaries that bring appropriate strategic and coordinated civic engagement and reach. Each partner brings added value and without them this initiative would not be feasible. All activities have a cross-border element and focus. The partnership firmly believes that is the cross–border collaboration that enhances the work of each of the partners.
The project has been developed with collaborative input from the lead partner (Medway Council) and others (Kent County Council, Calais Council) of the Interreg project proposal called RECREATE ensuring that the projects complement each other. RECREATE concentrates on economic development through the creative and cultural industries and through developing appropriate work and studio spaces for creative business start-ups. Beneficiaries of the ICR project will be sign-posted to RECREATE opportunities and vice versa. There will be a number of joined events. ICR is related to another Interreg project proposal called ACT, which focuses on the performing arts. The links relate specifically to cross sign posting opportunities, which have been agreed. The partnership was open to a wide range of groups and organisations that have an interest in advancing the arts in the public realm through cross-border collaboration from across the eligible Interreg region.
The project is also exploring the potentialities of cross-fertilization between cultural actors and tourism actors in the region. Mission Louvre Lens Tourism (Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristiques) also participate in an INTERREG programme aimed at developing rural tourisme named COOLTourism.
Interregional Culture-led Regeneration
Le projet ICR (Régénération transfrontalière par le biais de la culture) s’intéresse notamment au défi stratégique no 3 : Renforcer une cohésion sociale et une identité culturelle). ICR cherche à stimuler lacroissance des industries créatives et culturelles présentes dans les régions côtières du Sud Est de l’Angleterre mais aussi du Pas de Calais, de la Normandie et de la Bretagne. En d’autres mots ICR souhaite :
soutenir les artistes (des étudiants, des artistes en freelance, des professionnels de l’industrie créative issus des régions partenaires et des régions voisines) afin qu’ils puissent enrichir leur créativité artistique et leur carrière professionnelle.
encourager le réseau créatif, composé d’intermittents, dans leur travail de collaboration avec des écoles d’art et plus précisément avec leurs étudiants.
créer une écologie créative transfrontalière de ces acteurs par l’intermédiaire de ces actions collaboratives.