'Machine' at 47/49 Tanner Street - Creative Challenge Exhibition Week

The vending machine seeks to make passers-by question, without giving real answers, the act of consumption. This setup allows me to question the pretentious value of art today and more generally our consumer society, creating a paradox. The installation denounces in some way the object of criticism - Louis Lallier, Creative Challenge 2015 Finalist

Creative Challenge Exhibition Week Officially Open!

Creative Challenge Exhibition Week_Gary Waterworth Owen's talk, Wednesday 25th march at 18.00

Does design and desire to help do more harm than good?

Everyone wants to think that they are doing good for the world but how can you be sure that what you are doing is having the right impact or even making things worse?

Find out by registering  for Gary Waterworth Owen’s talk which will take place at the Creative Challenge Exhibition Week , on Wednesday 25th March at 18.00 at the Ugly Duck, Tanner St, London SE1. Gary is an artist, author, adventurer and social entrepreneur and will share with you the pitfalls of having the right motivation but taking the wrong action. To make positive impact, design and development must be integrated and comprehensive in scope and scalability, and include all aspects of cultural, social, environmental and economic issues. Get the whole picture when you book up for this talk. The talk is free, and of course you can enjoy the other activities taking place.

There are only a few places left, so book yours now here.

51zero Touring Programme_The Other side of here_Lens, 26-28 March 2015

51zero touring programme, 26th - 28th March 2015, is a collaboration between Maison de l'Art et de la Communication in Lens, France and 51zero Festival from Medway and Kent, UK and showcases acclaimed international artists alongside emerging talents over the three days. Its carefully honed programme encompasses work by British and French artist filmmakers, creating out-of-the-ordinary cinematic experiences of the kind you won’t find in traditional cinema.


Ideas Camp at Workshop 34 Sittingbourne, March 14

Join Ideas Test at Workshop 34 on March 14 for a free all-day Ideas Camp led by industry experts from across the South East and London. Attracting a high-profile panel of creative industry experts, this is a participatory idea generation session for digital entrepreneurs and artist/makers in Sittingbourne and the Swale and Medway area. We’ll be following up on the 21st March with a webinar about idea generation and scoping innovative project ideas.

The day begins with introductory thoughts from our invited experts about how they developed, scoped, raised funds and brought to market innovative products and creative media productions. Importantly, it’s also about balancing London-centric digital industry practice with the regional realities of starting digital businesses outside the M25.

On the day, the emphasis is on participation and pitching. Bring your own ideas or join improvisation groups to crunch new concepts out on the spot, testing ideas as you go. Pitching sessions will be led by the panel and the day ends with a final show and tell pitch. We’ll be handing out ‘best in show’ rosettes along with the chance to shadow some of our panel in their companies and teams as they work. Promising ideas and teams will be matched up with mentors from the panel.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday 14th March 2015 

Time: 11am- 5pm (10.30am arrival)

Venue: Workshop 34, 34 Highstreet Sittingbourne, Kent. ME10 4PB

Free entry but tickets are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis

Please confirm your attendance by Thursday 12th March 2015


Creative Challenge workshop with Gerry Diebel at UCA in Canterbury tomorrow Wednesday 25 February at 10.30am

Here’s a draft agenda:

  • 10.30 – Arrival tea and coffee
  • 11.00 – Introduction by me to the day and introduce you
  • 11.10 – Pitch Training Introduction
  • 11.15 -  Workshop begins
  • 1.15 –   Lunch
  • 1.45 –   Afternoon session Begins
  • 3.00 – Tea and Coffee
  • 3.15 -  Exhibition Review/Progress – Cathy
  • 4.00 – 1:1’s with Gerry and Cathy (independently)
  • 5.00 - Finish

Creative Challenge 2015 Exhibition Week

When: Monday 23rd - Thursday 26th March 2015, all day.
Where: Ugly Duck at 47/49 Tanner Street  London 
Cost: Nothing. It’s totally free.

Rising to the challenge

This year’s Creative Challenge has been our most exciting yet. We’re looking forward to celebrating our students’ growth and achievements with a week-long series of exhibitions, seminars, films and workshops, led by leaders of the art and business world.
And you’re invited. Save the dates: 23rd - 26th March 2015

This year’s theme: Enterprise of Liberation

Our Creative Challenge finalists - UCA and ESADHaR students - worked together to explore the tensions between enterprise and liberation and the opportunities that lie within them. This exhibition is a result of that philosophical journey.


ICR Road Movie

'First screening of the ICR Road movie tomorrow in Rouen! Première projection du film ICR demain à Rouen!'

The ICR Road Movie is now finalised! The film is one of the key elements of ICR legacy and we will soon confirm the dates and locations of the screening events, which will take place in February and March 2015 in France and the UK. The Road Movie demonstrates what do we mean by Creative Ecology and aims to stimulate discussion about the established and developing cross-boarder partnerships. More info very soon!